Nom: Echec++
Sujet: porte niv 3
Wed, Jun 23 2004 at 9:57 am
comme je connaissais pas le code

int n1,n2,n3,n4
int m1,m2,m3,m4
string ls_url
for n1=1 to 16
for n2=1 to 16
for n3=1 to 16
for n4=1 to 16
m1 = mod((25*n1 + 63*n2 + 79*n3 + 53*n4) , 101)
m2 = mod((94*n1 + 24*n2 + 26*n3 + 57*n4) , 101)
m3 = mod((32*n1 + 81*n2 + 61*n3 + 44*n4) , 101)
m4 = mod((45*n1 + 15*n2 + 81*n3 + 96*n4) , 101)

if ((m1 = 57 and m2 = 73 and m3 = 3 and m4 = 92) or &
(m1 = 34 and m2 = 95 and m3 = 26 and m4 = 19) or &
(m1 = 72 and m2 = 12 and m3 = 8 and m4 = 44))then
ls_url = "056477881"+ "-code=" + string(n1)+"-"+string(n2)+"-"+string(n3)+"-"+string(n4) + ".html"
messagebox("result", ls_url )
end if


ca donne 2 resultat 4-8-8-4 ou 7-11-3-5
